AI Augmented Medical Imaging

Bringing the best in practice in AI image processing, cloud based no infrastructure or investment required on your part. Try for free from your own DICOM enabled device. Some of the best models out there available out of the box to begin your AI image processing journey. Upload your own AI models and get paid for it.

Brats MRI axial slices generative diffusion

A generative model for creating 2D brain MRI axial slices from Gaussian noise based on BraTS dataset

Model Id: 1

Brats MRI generative diffusion

A generative model for creating 3D brain MRI from Gaussian noise based on BraTS dataset

Model Id: 2

Brats MRI segmentation

A pre-trained model for volumetric (3D) segmentation of brain tumor subregions from multimodal MRIs based on BraTS 2018 data

Model Id: 3

Breast density classification

A pre-trained model for classifying breast images (mammograms)

Model Id: 4

Endoscopic inbody classification

A pre-trained binary classification model for endoscopic inbody classification task

Model Id: 5

Endoscopic tool segmentation

A pre-trained binary segmentation model for endoscopic tool segmentation

Model Id: 6

Lung nodule CT detection

A pre-trained model for volumetric (3D) detection of the lung lesion from CT image on LUNA16 dataset

Model Id: 7

Pancreas CT dints segmentation

Searched architectures for volumetric (3D) segmentation of the pancreas from CT image

Model Id: 8

Pathology nuclei classification

A pre-trained model for Nuclei Classification within Haematoxylin & Eosin stained histology images

Model Id: 9

Pathology nuclei segmentation classification

A simultaneous segmentation and classification of nuclei within multitissue histology images based on CoNSeP data

Model Id: 10

Pathology tumor detection

A pre-trained model for metastasis detection on Camelyon 16 dataset.

Model Id: 11

Prostate MRI anatomy

A pre-trained model for volumetric (3D) segmentation of the prostate from MRI images

Model Id: 12

Renal structures CECT segmentation

A UNET-based model for renal segmentation from contrast enhanced CT image

Model Id: 13

Renal structures UNEST segmentation

A transformer-based model for renal segmentation from CT image

Model Id: 14

Spleen CT segmentation

A pre-trained model for volumetric (3D) segmentation of the spleen from CT image

Model Id: 15

Swin UNETR BTCV segmentation

A pre-trained model for volumetric (3D) multi-organ segmentation from CT image

Model Id: 16

Wholebody CT segmentation

A pre-trained SegResNet model for volumetric (3D) segmentation of the 104 whole body segments

Model Id: 17

Wholebrainseg large UNEST segmentation

A 3D transformer-based model for whole brain segmentation from T1W MRI image

Model Id: 18

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For students and professionals looking to leverage AI in their medical imaging studies or practice - 10 reports per month


Independent Labs

For independent clinics to save on cost and time using AI to augment their workflow - 100 reports per month.



For large to medium sized hospitals looking to integrate AI in their day to day imaging workflows - 1000 reports per month
